En-gediChildrenHome OUR RESIDENCE - En-gedi Children's Home
En-gedi Children’s Home

Our New Residence

Our Former Home

Our New Home

Our plans were to house ten children within a year. We achieved that goal by the fifth month. And though we are crowded, we manage and everyone is happy and healthy.Of the ten children we now have, none can walk and only one can talk (quite fluently). Nine of our children use nappies or diapers and while only one could feed himself when we started, three others have learned to feed themselves. They have all improved in their faculties and we continue to teach them how to hold cups, spoons, feed themselves and build blocks. It is a process and takes much patience. It must be done over and over again. Hands that had remained closed are open and holding things.

Margaret Njuguna, Founder

Board Members, Margaret Njuguna, and first residents.

Ground Breaking.

Prayers answered.

After a long period of waiting for about a dozen different approvals for construction for En-gedi’s new Home and Learning Center, we celebrated in style. We dedicated the land for the ministry of God’s special children. I am very thankful to God for giving me the patience to pray and wait. I also thank God for Rev. Maina and Elder Ngrita, both from my church and both who officiated at the dedication. also attending were Sophie (an En-gedi Board member), her son Marvin, and some parents of our children. And we thank you for continuing in prayer .We have been looking forward to having ramps and handrails to move our children from place to place. We also have a therapy room.  Our facility can house up to 30 children. Our learning center is in a separate building. The upstairs is made into dormitories for staff and visitors. The downstairs is set up for training in how to care for our children.
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made. All You have made will praise You, O Lord; Your saints will extol you; they will tell of the glory of Your Kingdom and speak of Your might so that all may know of Your mighty acts ad the glorious splendor of Your Kingdom.”  Psalm 145:9-12

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