Christmas Greetings December 2020​


Christmas greetings dear friends and co-workers in the Kingdom:Indeed, this has been a year of storms but, our God has been, and continue to be with us in the storm. Iam encouraged by Psalms 107:23-30: “Some went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on themighty waters. They saw the works of the LORD, his wonderful deeds in the deep; for he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves. They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away. They reeled and staggered like drunkards; they were at their wits’ end. Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, andhe guided them to their desired haven”. The experts, the most experienced, the mighty miracle workershave all been challenged by the Covid – 19 storm. But at His timing, our Lord God will still the storm.We are all well and healthy and this stormy year is the year our children have been most healthy in the 6years we have been operational. We have not lacked in anything: God has all through supplied ourneeds by sending you our friends, and many new acquaintances to us with the needed supplies. He hasbeen and continues to be our Ebenezer. May His Name be praised!We have seen several improvements with our children in their abilities, and most outstanding has been with our girl Lucky. She fully became toilet trained, learned how to say potty and said goodbye to diapers (except at night). She also completely stopped drooling; and is learning to walk with a walker and on parallel bars. Of the 20 children at En-Gedi,only one child is able to talk fluently and Lucky has become #2 in learning how to talk. She talks a lot and now we can decipher about 30% of what she says. Again we thank God for improved abilities

May our good God bless you all in special ways, and may you continue to experience His presence inyour lives, in your families and in all your endeavors.As we say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you, please join us in thankingGod for His goodness, His mercies and His love for all of us. Let us continue to share the joy of touching lives and making this world a better place to live for God’s children and adults alike.

In His Love,
Margaret Njuguna
Founder/Director – En-Gedi Children’s Home
None of us can help everyone. But all of us can help someone and when we help them, we serve Jesus (Max Lucado)

August 2020 Update

August 2020 Update

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling……” Psalm 46:1-3 (nkjv).

Indeed God has been, and continue to be our refuge and strength. All over the world and all around us, fear gripped people from left and right. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused havoc to economies of the world. So many job losses and lives disorganized. In our country, the Education Minister announced that 2020 is a lost academic year, devastating news for primary and high school students as well as university students. But for us at En-Gedi, though our income has been much lower, we have not lacked and so far the last 8 months of the year 2020 has been the year we have been healthy the most since En-Gedi started 6 years ago. Glory and honor belong to our God.

We are all fine and staying safe – we do our best and God does the rest. We are thankful to God that the infection rates have been going down in the last one week and that recoveries continue to outnumber the infections. God is good all the time. We are all happy to also note that deaths are not as high as has happened in other countries and that most of those passing on have had other underlying health conditions. At En-Gedi, I opened up for the staff to take their usual offs, but still closed to visitors. We have a few children whose immunity is boosted by diet and sometimes medication, so we are extra careful. Otherwise, we are happy and enjoying each day that God gives us.

If you are reading this update, I believe that the Lord has been your refuge. It’s my prayer that He will conceal you in His shelter in these days of the adversity called Covid-19, and that He will hide you under the cover of His tent and set you high on a rock. I am thankful to God for giving me friends like you. Thank you for being part of my life and my service at En-Gedi through your prayers, thoughts, financial and material support. Let’s keep meeting at His Feet.


  1. Praise God with us for His providence (His presence with us, great health for all of us and meeting with our needs);
  2. Praise God for peace and stability all around us, despite the challenges of the current times.

Prayer request:

Pray that some normalcy returns to the world to enable people to visit each other. I had tens of groups and families who wanted to visit us, but were not able to. I am very optimistic that the situation will keep improving and that we will be able to host visitors again.

May 2020 Update

May 2020 Update

“For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” (Is 41:13)

Greetings dear friends and co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard:   A time like this, we need to hear words of encouragement like quoted above in the book of Isaiah.  If you are reading this, then you have a reason to smile with the assurance of our God’s presence with us even in the midst of a deadly virus. 

We are all fine and healthy and thanking God for each day.  Even our girl Lucky whose eyes needed medical attention – and which we have not been able to access, has kept well.  Her eyes have improved by just eye drops.  I still plan to have her checked when we are able to move around again.   

Since mid March when schools, Church services and all kinds of gatherings were suspended, and burials and weddings restricted to 15 family members, I also suspended our Therapist, all offs for my staff and all kinds of visitations.  I brought in the extra staff who worked as a substitute to lessen the workload.  I am grateful to God that we all have worked together and we all have been healthy and joyful.  I have been the only contact between En-Gedi and the outside world.  I do my best to keep safe and God does the rest.   I thank God for all your prayers for us.

Before the end of March, I started receiving calls from people who wanted to donate foodstuff to us and because they could not visit us, they either dropped their donations by our gate or asked me to go pick up.  I decided to start a journal entitled “En-Gedi and these corona times”.  Going through this journal today is like thrills and spills; and it continues.  There is even an entry from a phone call this morning.   Many of the people who have called me for supplies or have sent me some funds have not been to En-Gedi.  God works in amazing ways in supplying our needs according to His riches in glory.  We have not lacked and we will not lack because we belong the owner of resources.  I have missed Church and fellowship, but our Church has a TV station and our Pastor and evangelists have been sharing messages on YouTube.   

Although Kenyans are getting tired of the dusk to dawn curfew and movement restrictions within counties, positive cases of the virus are increasing daily with the community mass testing.  Deaths are however not as many and most of the casualties have histories of other sicknesses.  We also have had about 40% recovery rate. 

En-Gedi Children’s Home March 2020 update

En-Gedi Children’s Home March 2020 update

Greetings dear co-workers in the Lord!  Though in March already, allow me to salute you all with New Year greetings and wish you God’s blessings each day of 2020. 

We had a lovely end of 2019 and a good beginning of 2020 and so far, we rejoice in God’s love, protection and providence.

On Christmas day, like many families, we shared a Christmas cake and David helped me cut it. 

Sometimes last year, we received visitors from Safaricom, the largest mobile phone company in Kenya – who were very pleased with what we do at En-Gedi Home.  After a few months, that visit translated to a donation of nine cerebral palsy wheelchairs complete with tables.   Indeed God provided what we needed.  Praise Him for this connection. May God bless the staff and Trustees of Safaricom Foundation.

We praise God for THREE kids whose abilities have improved big time:  Lucky Kalunde, our 7 year old girl is now fully potty-trained as of early February this year.   And John, after a long wait in teaching him, is now able to feed himself; and Rose, our lovely and smiling girl can now wheel herself forward and backwards and enjoys a lot when we are outside.  Glory and honor go to our God for these physical and notable improvements.   All the kids continue to improve in their own ways and for this, I say “thank you” to God!

We love visitors! In January, we had a young girl from Germany who stayed with us for a month; and earlier this month, we hosted 4 ladies from Minnesota.


We welcome friends to come and experience the joy of serving God together.


Praises/thanks:  a) Thank God for good health for all the children and the caregivers; b) Thank God for wonderful friends and supporters; c) Praise God for His continued provisions towards our needs; d) Thank God for continued improvement in the ablilities of our children. 

Prayer requests:  a) please join us in prayer that God will take away the coronavirus – 3 cases already confirmed; b) pray that God will continue to grant us peace in our country (so much politics going on); c) pray for one of our children – Lucky Kalunde whose eyes need some kind of expert medical attention. 

Special thanks to all who continue to keep us in prayer; those who financially and materially support us; those who visit us and all who think of us and wish us God’s blessings.  You positively touch lives with me.  May our loving God bless you in a very special way. 



Margaret Njuguna

Founder/Director    –     En-Gedi Children’s Home                          

None of us can help everyone.  But all of us can help someone and when we help them, we serve Jesus (Max Lucado)

2019 Christmas Greetings

2019 Christmas Greetings

God is faithful, loving, caring and always present with us.  He has given us a beautiful year and this far, He has been our Ebenezer!  Through all of you our friends, our supporters in thoughts, prayers, material and financial gifts and through communication and visitation, we smile together and say “glory and honor belong to our God”.  We are all well, healthy and smiling to know that we are loved!  


Christmas is here, and although we are not able to do much with the children, we make joyful noises to God, praising him with the few who can put some words together and clap in joyful singing.  Besides David who talks fluently, 3 other children have learned several words and are able to join in the singing and also in our learning class.  Like we have done many times before, we plan to participate in Christmas carols in a couple Churches with 5 children who sing and enjoy being in a Church.  We look forward to that. 

With lots of love, we wish you all special Christmas season filled with God’s blessings and also a happy and prosperous New Year 2020. 


Praises and prayer requests: 

Praises:   Praise God with us for a year full of blessings.  Its been a year of good health for the children and the caregivers; Praise God for the many people who visited us this year and experienced the presence and the love of God in our Home.  Pray for continued health for all of us; for continued improvement in the various abilities of our children; for 2 children ready to join En-Gedi, but whose birth certificates need to be processed.  it has taken unreasonably too long.  Pray also that we will have a joyous Christmas season. 


May the blessings of peace, the beauty of hope, the spirit of love and the comfort of faith be your gifts this Christmas.  


From all of us at En-Gedi Children’s Home.


Margaret Njuguna

En-Gedi Children’s Home, P.O. Box 763-00204 Athi River, Kenya. 

Tel. +254-710-395756; +254-733-972027.

