“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16 .
Dear friends and co-workers in the Lord’s ministry: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership with me in caring for God’s special children of En-Gedi Home and beyond. (paraphrased from Philippians 1:2-5)
It has been well with us all here at En-Gedi Home and we give glory and honor to our God. The last three months have been quiet and peaceful with us. We have had some health issues and challenges with some of the children, but we have done our best in response and action and God has done the rest. God’s grace has been sufficient for us. I trust that you all are well and that God has been present with you – even where it has been tough.

One of our highlights this last quarter has been the long awaited connection with BethanyKids from Kijabe. BethanyKids has mobile clinics; does spiritual ministry; surgical training and pediatric surgery. As this relationship develops, we hope to work together in getting our staff trained; in carrying out corrective surgery; in acquiring mobility aids for both En-Gedi children and others in the community around us who need wheelchairs, walkers, etc. I thank God for this new relationship.

The children continue to improve in different ways. When people come to visit us, they express empathy and sometimes compassionate tears when they see the children and staff so happy. For us who live with the children, we have seen and continue to witness the positive changes in the lives of the children. Physical, mental, social and spiritual improvements are evident. Despite their limitations, the children continue to improve in all ways and for this we give God all the glory. Your prayers for us and your financial and material support has kept us well supplied. When the Bible says “and my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” – it means he sends his servants and you have been one of them. Thank you for being obedient.

Now that the pandemic is almost behind us, we are hoping that many of our friends will come to visit us from in and out of the country. We are open to receiving volunteers in the fields of special education, physio and occupational therapy, nursing and related fields in caring for special needs people.

Prayer requests:
- Pray that the children stay healthy, especially during this cold season.
- Pray for one of the children that God will save her eye. She has a condition that has blinded her one eye and ophthalmologists are working hard to save the other one.
- Pray for peaceful national elections scheduled for August 9 this year.
- Pray that God will give us volunteers to come and work with us.
Thank you all for serving with me in this ministry. May God reward you in His own way.
Margaret Njuguna Founder/Director
E-mail: megnjuguna@gmail.com;
Tel. +254-710 395756; +254-733 972027.
P.O. Box 673-00204 Athi River – Kenya.
Website: https/www.en-gedichildrenwithhope.org