Receive Christian greetings my friends, friends of the En-Gedi family and co-workers in Christ Jesus!
This update shares what God has continued to do in our lives – both for His special needs children and for all the caregivers. In April, our Omnipresent God healed 2 of our children who were hospitalized with breathing problems –(both boys have lungs defects since birth), one in oxygen for a day, who quickly recovered and returned home to En-Gedi, and the other fighting to stay alive in oxygen for 6 days. During those very stressful days, I had told God that I had done my best and His will be done.
The boy turned around one afternoon – still hooked to oxygen, and laughed loudly which surprised us as we stood around his bed. I honestly thought that that laughter was to say good-bye but, he soon started responding positively to treatment and soon after, returned to En-Gedi Home – fully recovered. Indeed our lives belong to God and He alone sustains us. Another young girl who we had been teaching to self-feed got it all right and started to feed herself. Amen to that! Now we have 5 kids who feed themselves out of the total 21. We have had a wonderful period of joy, peace and great health and we smile to God for that.
When the pandemic hit the world during the first quarter of 2020, no one thought that it would take this long to disappear, except maybe the professional virologists. When God created Adam and Eve, he had occasional fellowships with them. Even after they sinned and went into hiding, God came looking for them. He was a God of fellowship. Much later after human beings fully corrupted themselves with sin
and became alienated from their God the creator, the same God of fellowship came into the world in form of a human being through His son Jesus Christ to restore that broken fellowship. The Covid 19 pandemic came to do the opposite; it has alienated us from those we love and those close to us; it has distanced us (keeping social distance) from those we would love to be close to; and has rendered visitations and travels almost to a halt. Nevertheless, we have every reason to thank God because He has sustained us when so many others have passed on. And although we have not been able to physically be together, we have electronically kept in touch. We give Him all the glory and the honor.
I would like to register my great appreciation to all of you who have kept in touch with us; those of you who pray for us, think of us and wish us well; and all of you who support us with foodstuff and other needed material supplies and all who financially support us. The Lord God has supplied all our needs according to His riches in glory through YOU! Thank you for allowing God to use you for His glory and honor.
Please pray with us for continued health for all of us; continued improvement in the abilities of our kids. Pray that our country will get the much needed Covid -19 vaccines; pray for so many people who have lost their livelihoods because of the pandemic – that God will provide for their needs.
And now may the Lord bless you and keep you; may His face shine on you and be gracious to you; May He turn His face toward you and give you peace – as we serve Him together.

Margaret Njuguna
En-Gedi Children’s Home
P.O. Box 763-00204
Athi River, KENYA
Email: megnjuguna@gmail.com
Website: www.en-gedichildrenwithhope.org